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Archos 32 Internet Table Android Driver (A32)

Ran into problems trying to get the Android USB driver to install on the Archos 32 Internet Tablet. Windows 7 64bit keeps on saying there is no driver.

After fumbling around (and upgrading the tablet to Android 2.2 in the process), I came across:

(Reproduced here for archive, The post is about a A70, but it works the same for A32)

Dont know if you got it to work? But now when i got my A70 i wanted to try to install my own apps from Eclipse development environment and it worked like a charm without using any other drivers than the one supplied in the Android sdk.

What i did is firstly i followed Hairfainx tip of enabling the drivers in thread

Harfainx wrote:
To get the drivers working with Win7 (both 32 and 64-bit) simply navigate to your adb folder.

Go to usb_driver folder

Open android_winusb.inf in notepad.

Just ABOVE the line that says [Google.NTamd64], add these lines:

;Archos 70
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0E79&PID_1411
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0E79&PID_1411&MI_01

Then just ABOVE the line that says [USB_Install], add these lines:

;Archos 70
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0E79&PID_1411
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0E79&PID_1411&MI_01

Then plug your 70 with ADB debugging enabled into your USB port. When it asks for drivers, point it in the direction of that file.

Enjoy your newly ADB enabled A70!

Then i modified the “.android/adb_usb.ini” file as nz wrote above to be able to use the A70 with adb/Eclipse.

nz wrote:
Google finally managed to introduce a configuration file for ADB, so you do not need to recompile if you want to use it with other but the built-in VIDs. For Archos devices you need to

echo “0x0e79” >~/.android/adb_usb.ini

or on Windows:

echo 0x0e79 >> “%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini”

Then you can use the adb that comes with the R3 or R4 SDK (or probably also the one that is in current SVN trunk). Remember to “sudo killall adb” to get rid of all already running ADB servers.

Then i used “adb devices” in the console and my A70 was listed

So i tried the connection by running a simple Hello World example in Eclipse and it was installed and run on my A70 without any changes in Eclipse.

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