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Tag Archives: java

  1. Android Handler – The handler class should be static or leak might occur February 22, 2013

    Posted in Android, Java.

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  2. Strong, Soft, Weak and Phantom references – Java February 22, 2013

    Posted in Java.

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  3. Java, Inner Class February 22, 2013

    Posted in Java.

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  4. Using Google Map Android API v2 February 21, 2013

    Posted in Android, Java.

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  5. Quick guide to enabling Tab + Swipe using Fragments and Android Support library February 21, 2013

    Posted in Android, Java.

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  6. C/C++/Java – Leading 0 (zero) means Octal October 9, 2012

    Posted in C/C++, Java.

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  7. Redirecting System.out to somewhere else (Java) March 3, 2012

    Posted in Java.

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  8. QtJambi – Disable the X button on a Dialog window (the X on top right corner) March 3, 2012

    Posted in Java, Qt.

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  9. Qt Jambi – Using QTableWidget March 3, 2012

    Posted in Java, Qt.

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  10. Qt Jambi – Updating UI elements from another thread March 3, 2012

    Posted in Java, Qt.

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  11. Qt Jambi – ListView with checkbox March 2, 2012

    Posted in Java, Qt.

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  12. Java and Regex – By Example September 5, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  13. MATLAB JA Builder and Java (Eclipse) September 2, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  14. Java initializer block August 30, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  15. Android + Eclipse: No grammar constraints (DTD or XML schema) detected for the document. August 12, 2011

    Posted in Android, Java.

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  16. SharedPreferences editor’s commit doesnt work? August 12, 2011

    Posted in Android, Java.

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  17. Qt Jambi – QGraphicsScene itemAt with custom QGraphicsItem August 6, 2011

    Posted in Java, Qt.

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  18. Java generic arrays July 29, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  19. How to name interfaces in Java (and to some degree other languages) July 18, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  20. Android manipulating the UI from a thread July 11, 2011

    Posted in Android, Java.

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  21. Building PocketSphinxAndroidDemo (from CMUSphinx project) July 3, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  22. Android speech recognition without network (CMUSphinx) July 3, 2011

    Posted in Java, Technology.

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  23. Using recursive zipping of directory and subdirectory May 28, 2011

    Posted in Java.

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  24. MercurialEclispe, clone a java project May 1, 2011

    Posted in Technology.

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  25. Eclipse Mercurial integration – failed to import extension mercurial_keyring May 1, 2011

    Posted in Technology.

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