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Quicker (than the quick guide from ACM) guide for using the ACM Classification System

Upon trying to submit a final manuscript to ACM I found out that I needed to add a General Terms section and a Categories and Subject Descriptor Section. Seemed rather confusing to use the first time, and their guide is rather long. Here is a quicker guide:

For General Terms:

For Categories and Subject Descriptor:
  • Goto
  • Find words related, select from the bottom most level (e.g. I.5.4 -> Signal Processing)
  • In the paperm Categories and Subject Descriptor under Abstract, insert: Descriptor# [2nd Level Title] Third Level Title — Keyword
  • Separate by ;
For example, I have I.5.4, Signal Processing and D.2.11, Domain-specific architecture. I would have:

Categories and Subject Descriptors

I.5.4 [Pattern Recognition]: Applications – Signal Processing; D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architecture – Domain-specific architectures

Notice that I.5 is Pattern Recognition, I.5.4 is Applications, and my paper’s area is Signal Processing

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